The Mentalist Creator and Stars Discuss the Jane/ Lisbon Dilemma, Boast of a Love-or-Hate Finale

I just. . . my love for Robin and Simon knows no bounds.

One thought on “The Mentalist Creator and Stars Discuss the Jane/ Lisbon Dilemma, Boast of a Love-or-Hate Finale

  1. Gail Covell says:

    I don’t ever want The Mentalist to end. Once Teresa and Patrick kiss, all crazy kinds of things go off inside both of them. They realize that this is real love. They’ve had years of getting to know one another, (she has him figured out although she doesn’t let on because he wouldn’t feel safe and she is aware of and sensitive to that) building a strong trust and friendship. The sexual undercurrent is so obvious! If anyone hasn’t felt it they are definitely without feelings!

    I’d like to see them have babies and still work together. The writers can go from here adding drama and excitement! I don’t get paid to write. 🙂

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